Purloined from the N.M. Freemason, March 1978
From: Ron Blaisdell []
Sent: Friday, July 30, 1999 7:10 AM
To: Subject: The Past Master
Now you have just recently become the Immediate Past Master of your Lodge. What now? Do you regard this release from duty as the signal for rest, leisure and refreshment, a Masonic retirement or vacation? For long years you have rarely missed a communication of the Lodge, you have been present at many funerals and either helped or presided at the rites at the grave of a deceased Brother. You have been to the Lodge on innumerable rehearsals and other meetings. You have spent untold hours in learning your work as you progressed through the chairs. You have been most conscientious about your duty to the Lodge and to your station; you did the best you could or knew how when you were in the East. Now you feel a vast sense of relief that the strain is gone; no man can go through the chairs of his Lodge, if he be conscientious, without a sense of strain. Did you relinquish the Gavel with pangs of regret that you did not accomplish nearly all the things you were ambitious for a year ago when you assumed that implement of authority? You did not honor the Lodge when you became Worshipful Master; the Lodge honored you by choosing you to rule and govern its affairs for the ensuing year. The Lodge manifested its high regard for you then, by electing you to the highest office within its power to bestow. You are now under the deepest obligation of your Masonic career to the craft in general and to your Lodge in particular. Your term of office is now over and your authority in the Lodge is no more. You no longer rule the Brethren or your successor, nor do you desire to. No Brother in the Lodge is more aware of the problems which exist than is the Immediate Past Master. You are now in a position to be of great service to your Brethren, to your successor and to Freemasonry in general. Now that you are freed from the mundane responsibilities of governing the Lodge your opportunities for greater service are limited only by your energy and imagination. You will find that the new Worshipful Master will eagerly accept your suggestions and counsel in the affairs of the Lodge. Now is the time when, by discreet and fraternal suggestions, you may help to bring some of these events to pass in your Lodge which you never could get done when you ruled. Remember your presence at the regular communication of your Lodge is important now as before. You can be of inestimable value to the Lodge; you can help arrange programs for the Lodge and take this work off the shoulders of the present Master. You can offer to help on the all-important Investigation Committee, Ladies Night celebrations, in degree work, to occupy stations which might be empty on a particular night. There is no limit. You are now the Immediate Past Master of your Lodge. What are your plans?